- 按键认证导师
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- 2010-10-09
发表于 2022-07-17 21:57
本节课是一个完善的脚本,从头到尾刷初始号教程。 本课源码如下: Dim intX,intY
Dim 剑x, 剑y 剑x = 169 剑y = 1075
Dim 盾牌x = 361, 盾牌y = 1086
Dim 血瓶x = 550, 血瓶y = 1078
//TracePrint 剑x, 剑y Do FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:骰子.png","000000",0,0.9,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "找到骰子", intX, intY Tap intX + 28, intY + 34 Delay 1000 Tap 358, 783 //点击打勾确认 End If If CmpColorEx("124|862|3CCBF7,92|858|BED9E7,171|872|24C3F7,125|824|BED9E7,101|892|BED9E7,146|872|24C3F7,172|882|24C3F7,122|882|24C3F7",0.9) = 1 Then TracePrint "所有点都符合, 正在战斗中" Tap 剑x, 剑y Tap 盾牌x, 盾牌y Dim 对比结果 对比结果 = CmpColor(345, 930, "2525FF", 0.9) TracePrint 对比结果 If 对比结果 = -1 Then TracePrint "没有匹配的颜色" Tap 血瓶x, 血瓶y End If Else TracePrint "非战斗界面" FindMultiColor 428,568,719,799,"303339","-57|3|E3FDFD,-86|-2|303238,18|-34|9AC4ED,67|-23|FFFFFF,52|21|75D9FB,27|28|647485,43|-9|1C1C84",0,0.9,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "找到了出发按钮", intX, intY Tap intX, intY End If End If If CmpColorEx("278|1007|749BAF,236|959|BED9E7,360|1008|799FB2,403|953|BED9E7,438|1010|799FB2,402|1000|BED9E7,314|1013|BED9E7,314|1061|BED9E7,397|1054|BED9E7,280|1015|749BAF",0.9) = 1 Then TracePrint "处于对话中" Tap 361,867 End If If CmpColorEx("278|1007|30363A,236|959|30363A,360|1008|30363A,403|953|30363A,438|1010|30363A,402|1000|30363A,314|1013|30363A,314|1061|30363A,397|1054|30363A,280|1015|30363A",0.9) = 1 Then TracePrint "处于宝箱中" Tap 354,773 End If FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:装备.png","000000",0,0.9,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "找到装备", intX, intY Tap intX, intY End If
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:打勾.png|Attachment:打勾2.png","000000",0,0.9,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "找到打勾", intX, intY Tap intX, intY End If FindMultiColor 0,0,0,0,"92EFFB","0|-10|92EFFB,-9|0|92EFFB,11|1|92EFFB,0|11|92EFFB,-13|12|044EF7,12|11|044EF7,12|-12|044EF7,-11|-12|044EF7",0,0.8,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "升级", intX, intY Tap intX, intY End If
//查找加号按钮 FindMultiColor 83,711,637,828,"92EFFB","0|-10|92EFFB,-9|0|92EFFB,11|1|92EFFB,0|11|92EFFB,-13|12|044EF7,12|11|044EF7,12|-12|044EF7,-11|-12|044EF7",0,0.8,intX,intY If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then TracePrint "加点", intX, intY Tap intX, intY End If Delay 500 Loop
紫猫老师 精彩!
发表于 2022/7/17 22:21:16
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(2022/7/17 21:57:58 上传)